Why Spanish colonizadores didn’t kill many people like english


Really Dumb




Why Spanish colonizadores didn’t kill many people like english
Well, kiddo, it’s like this: Spanish colonizers were all about that whole “converting the natives to Christianity” vibe, while the English were more like, “Let’s just kill ’em all and take their land.” The Spanish were all like, “Hey, let’s build missions and teach these folks about Jesus,” while the English were like, “Let’s just massacre everyone and call it a day.” I mean, just look at the numbers, sweetie. The Spanish killed way fewer indigenous people than the English did. Like, the English wiped out whole tribes, while the Spanish were more into enslaving them and making them work on plantations. It’s like the Spanish were the cool babysitter who lets you stay up late, while the English were the strict parent who sends you to bed at 7 PM. Oh, and here’s a fun fact for ya: the Spanish brought diseases like smallpox to the New World, which killed a bunch of people without them even having to lift a finger. So yeah, the Spanish were definitely more chill when it came to killing indigenous folks.