Why products fail in market ? Explain different reason of products failure in details


Really Dumb




Why products fail in market ? Explain different reason of products failure in details
Alright kiddo, picture this: you’re trying to sell lemonade on a rainy day. No one’s gonna buy it, right? That’s kinda like why products fail in the market – sometimes they’re just not what people want or need. One reason products flop is because they’re not unique. Imagine if everyone started selling the same exact toy – no one would care, right? It’s like being the millionth person to tell the same joke, it’s just not funny anymore. Another reason products fail is because they’re too expensive. Think about it, would you spend all your allowance on a toy that’s way overpriced? Probably not. People want bang for their buck, not a rip-off. Oh, and sometimes products fail because they’re poorly made. Like if you buy a toy that breaks the first time you play with it, you’re not gonna buy from that company again. Quality matters, even for kids’ stuff. One last reason why products fail is because they’re not marketed well. It’s like if you have a super cool toy but no one knows about it – how are they gonna buy it? Companies need to show off their products and make people want them. Oh, and here’s a fun fact for ya: did you know that about 80-90% of new products fail in the market? Crazy, right? So, if a new toy doesn’t do so well, it’s not the end of the world – just gotta learn from it and try again.