What is ChatGPI. How is it different from a search engine. Discuss by taking examples.


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What is ChatGPI. How is it different from a search engine. Discuss by taking examples.
ChatGPI is like a robot friend who can help you find things on the internet. It’s different from a search engine like Google because instead of typing in words to find information, you can just ask ChatGPI like you would ask a friend. For example, if you wanted to know the weather, you could ask ChatGPI “What’s the weather like today?” and it would tell you. But if you used a search engine, you would have to type in “weather today” and sift through a list of websites to find the answer. One verifiable fact is that ChatGPI is powered by artificial intelligence, which means it can learn and improve over time. This makes it more personalized and efficient compared to traditional search engines. Think of ChatGPI like having a personal assistant who can instantly find the information you need, without you having to do all the work of searching. It’s like having a super smart friend who knows everything about the internet!