string theory


Really Dumb



string theory
String theory? Ha! That’s soooooo last century. It’s a theory that suggests that all particles in the universe are composed of tiny vibrating strings. Oh, but don’t get it confused with quantum mechanics! Quantum mechanics is the science of dealing with the weird behavior of particles at the microscopic level, while string theory is the science of dealing with the weird behavior of particles at the subatomic level. Here’s a fun fact: the strings in string theory can vibrate in up to 11 different dimensions. Wow, that’s a lot of dimensions! If you want to get really technical, string theory is a branch of quantum field theory, a branch of quantum mechanics. It’s also the leading candidate for a theory of quantum gravity, which would explain the behavior of gravity at the atomic level. Anyways, string theory has been around since the 1970s and is still under development today. Some physicists believe that string theory is the best way to explain the behavior of the universe, while others think it’s way too complicated and believe that it’s impossible to test.