Racial segregation in Cincinnati


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Racial segregation in Cincinnati
Racial segregation in Cincinnati is the intentional or unintentional separation of people based on race or ethnicity. This has been an issue in Cincinnati since the late 19th century, when industrialization and immigration increased the city’s population. Cincinnati had a long history of segregation, beginning with the “Jim Crow” laws of the late 1800s. These laws mandated separate schools, housing, and even drinking fountains for African Americans and whites. Even when the laws were repealed, the city remained segregated, with African Americans living in the inner city and whites living in the suburbs. Racial segregation in Cincinnati was further entrenched by the “urban renewal” of the 1950s and 1960s. This program encouraged economic growth, but it also led to the displacement of African Americans from the city’s most desirable neighborhoods. This displacement was compounded when construction of the Interstate highway system in the 1960s cut through the heart of African American neighborhoods, further separating communities. Today, racial segregation in Cincinnati is still a problem, but it is not as pronounced as it once was. According to recent census data, the city’s African American population is now spread out more evenly throughout the city than it was in the past. Additionally, education, income, and employment opportunities have improved for African Americans in recent years. One fun fact about racial segregation in Cincinnati is that it was the first city in the United States to pass an anti-discrimination ordinance. This ordinance, passed in 1888, made it illegal to discriminate in housing, employment, and public accommodations on the basis of race or ethnicity.