Please tell me diffrence between abstract art and cubism





Please tell me diffrence between abstract art and cubism
Abstract art is a type of artwork that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but instead use shapes, colours, forms and gestural marks to achieve its effect. It is often thought to be the most influential art movements of the 20th century, as it rejects the traditional approaches to art making for more expressive and imaginative approaches. Cubism is a type of abstract art that began in the early 1900s. It is characterized by fragmented shapes and interlocking planes which give an impression of three-dimensional space. Cubism is often thought to be the first abstract art movement. It is based on the idea that objects or figures can be broken down into basic shapes and reassembled in a two-dimensional space. The main difference between abstract art and cubism is that abstract art is a general term for any type of art that does not represent a realistic representation of reality, while cubism is an art movement that specifically uses fragmented shapes and interlocking planes to represent three-dimensional space. An example of abstract art is the works of Jackson Pollock, where he splattered paint onto a canvas in an expressive and gestural manner. An example of cubism is the paintings of Pablo Picasso, where he uses interlocking planes and fragmented shapes to represent the form of a human figure. Fun Fact: the term “Cubism” was coined by art critic Louis Vauxcelles in 1908 after seeing Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque’s paintings which used fragmented shapes and interlocking planes.