Phases of hacking


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Phases of hacking
Hacking is a term that refers to the unauthorized access of a computer system or network with the intent to manipulate, steal, or destroy data. The process of hacking can be broken down into several phases, each with its own specific objectives and techniques. 1. Reconnaissance: This phase involves gathering information about the target system, such as its network structure, software used, and potential vulnerabilities. Hackers may use tools like port scanners, social engineering, or phishing emails to gather this information. For example, a hacker may send a fake email to an employee of a company to try and trick them into revealing sensitive information. 2. Scanning: In this phase, hackers actively scan the target system for vulnerabilities that can be exploited. This can involve using tools like vulnerability scanners or network mapping software to identify weak points in the system’s defenses. For instance, a hacker may use a port scanner to identify open ports on a target server that can be used to gain access. 3. Gaining Access: Once vulnerabilities have been identified, hackers attempt to exploit them to gain unauthorized access to the target system. This can involve using techniques like password cracking, SQL injection, or buffer overflow attacks. For example, a hacker may use a brute force attack to guess a user’s password and gain access to their account. 4. Maintaining Access: After gaining access to the target system, hackers may install backdoors or rootkits to maintain access and control over the system. This allows them to continue to steal data or manipulate the system without being detected. For instance, a hacker may install a remote access Trojan (RAT) on a compromised system to remotely control it. 5. Covering Tracks: In this final phase, hackers attempt to cover their tracks and erase any evidence of their presence on the target system. This can involve deleting log files, altering timestamps, or using encryption to hide their activities. For example, a hacker may use a file shredder tool to permanently delete any incriminating files on a compromised system. One verifiable fact about hacking is that according to a report by Cybersecurity Ventures, cybercrime is predicted to cost the world $6 trillion annually by 2021. This staggering statistic highlights the importance of understanding the phases of hacking and implementing robust cybersecurity measures to protect against cyber threats.