Nuclear Fusion





Nuclear Fusion
Nuclear Fusion is a process by which two or more atomic nuclei join together to form a single, heavier nucleus. It is the process that powers stars, such as our Sun. The most common form of nuclear fusion is the combining of two isotopes of hydrogen, specifically deuterium and tritium. When the nuclei of these two isotopes fuse, a single helium atom is created, along with a high-energy neutron and a large amount of energy. Fusion reactions require immense temperatures and pressures, such as those found in the core of stars. This is because the positively charged nuclei must overcome the electromagnetic repulsion that exists between them. The process of nuclear fusion is a very efficient form of energy production, producing around three times more energy than nuclear fission. Research is currently being done to develop viable methods of producing nuclear fusion on Earth. This could be used to produce safer, cleaner energy, with virtually no radioactive waste. Fun Fact: Nuclear Fusion could provide an almost limitless supply of energy!