micro services, open architecture & AI in telco


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micro services, open architecture & AI in telco
Sure! Imagine a big toy store with lots of different toys. Each toy is like a “micro service” – it does a specific job, like a bike or a doll. The store is like the “open architecture” – it’s easy for people to come in and out and use the toys they want. Now, imagine if the toys could talk and think for themselves – that’s a bit like “AI” or artificial intelligence. In the telecom industry, companies use micro services, open architecture, and AI to make their services better and more efficient. For example, a telecom company might use micro services to offer different kinds of phone plans, like one for talking a lot and one for using a lot of data. The open architecture allows customers to switch between these plans easily. AI might help the company predict when a customer is going to run out of data and offer them a top-up. One verifiable fact is that according to a report by Grand View Research, the global AI in telecom market is expected to reach $4.4 billion by 2025. I hope that helps you understand a bit more about micro services, open architecture, and AI in the telecom industry!