Machine learning Predicción: Clasificación, regresión y series temporales


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Machine learning Predicción: Clasificación, regresión y series temporales
Machine learning prediction is a type of technology that helps computers to predict things. It can be used to predict things like what types of products you might like, what the weather might be like tomorrow, or if a certain stock price will go up or down. It works by analyzing data and finding patterns in it. Classification is a type of machine learning prediction where the computer looks at a set of data and then assigns it to a specific category. For example, a computer might look at a set of pictures of different animals and then classify them as cats, dogs, or birds. Regression is another type of machine learning prediction where the computer looks at sets of data and then predicts a number. For example, a computer might look at a set of stock prices for the last few years and then predict the stock price for the next year. Time series prediction is a type of machine learning prediction where the computer looks at sets of data over time and then predicts what will happen in the future. For example, a computer might look at the past 10 years of temperature data for a certain city and then predict what the temperature will be like in that city for the next 10 years. Fun Fact: Machine learning prediction has been used to predict the winner of the Academy Awards since 2012!