l’architecture mvvm





l’architecture mvvm
L’architecture MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) is an architectural pattern used in software development. It is most commonly used with XAML-based technologies such as WPF and UWP, but can be applied to other types of projects as well. The concept is based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, but with the addition of the “ViewModel” layer. In this architecture, the “Model” layer represents the data, the “View” layer represents the user interface, and the “ViewModel” layer acts as a bridge between the two. The ViewModel can bind data from the Model layer to the View layer, and can also handle user input from the View layer and update the Model layer accordingly. This architecture provides a number of advantages, such as improved testability, better separation of concerns, and easier debugging. It also allows for more flexible UI design, since the View and the ViewModel are decoupled from each other. An example of this architecture in action would be a simple weather app. The Model layer would contain data such as the current temperature, humidity, and wind speed. The View layer would contain the UI elements such as the text displaying the current temperature, the chart showing the wind speed over time, or the slider allowing the user to set a target temperature. The ViewModel would handle the binding between the Model and the View, and would also handle user input such as when the user changes the target temperature. As a fun fact, the MVVM pattern was first introduced in 2005 by Microsoft’s John Gossman as a way to make it easier to develop software for Windows Vista.