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How to Money laundering





How to Money laundering
Money laundering is the process of concealing the source of illegally obtained money or other assets by passing them through a complex web of legitimate transactions. The goal is to make it look like the money was earned legally, when in reality it has been obtained through criminal activities such as drug trafficking, fraud, or corruption. For example, a drug dealer might purchase a house or car with money from illegal drug sales. To hide the source of the money, the dealer might take out a loan or make a series of deposits from a bank account. This makes the money appear to have come from a legitimate source. Money laundering is a serious problem, costing the global economy an estimated $2 trillion each year. It is also a global issue: according to a 2018 report from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, just over 40% of global money laundering is occurring in the Americas. A fun fact about money laundering: the term is believed to have originated in the United States during the 1920s, when gangsters used to launder money through the purchase of laundry machines.