how and what to decide when to switch to cloud AWS S3 or not


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how and what to decide when to switch to cloud AWS S3 or not
Deciding when to switch to cloud AWS S3 is like deciding whether to keep all your toys in your room or store them in a big toy chest in the living room. Here’s how you can decide: 1. **Cost:** If you have lots of toys and your room is getting crowded, it might be worth it to store some in the toy chest. Similarly, if you have a lot of data and your computer is running out of space, it might be time to switch to AWS S3. An example of this is Netflix, which uses AWS S3 to store all the movies and TV shows that you watch online. 2. **Accessibility:** If you want to be able to play with your toys anywhere in the house, having them in the toy chest in the living room makes them more accessible. Likewise, AWS S3 allows you to access your data from anywhere in the world, as long as you have an internet connection. 3. **Reliability:** Toy chests are usually sturdy and secure, keeping your toys safe from damage. AWS S3 is known for its reliability and durability, with 99.999999999% durability of objects stored. 4. **Scalability:** If you keep getting more toys and your toy chest is getting full, it might be time to upgrade to a bigger toy chest. AWS S3 is highly scalable, meaning you can easily increase your storage capacity as your data grows. One verifiable fact is that AWS S3 is used by millions of customers worldwide, including major companies like Netflix, Airbnb, and Pinterest.