Give 2 examples of people do about Moral Standards are autonomous.. Make it relatable to Filipino


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Give 2 examples of people do about Moral Standards are autonomous.. Make it relatable to Filipino
Moral standards refer to the principles or values that guide a person’s behavior and decision-making. When someone is autonomous in terms of moral standards, it means that they have the ability to think for themselves and make ethical choices independently, without being influenced by external factors. In the context of Filipino culture, autonomy in moral standards can be exemplified by individuals who uphold their own values and beliefs, even in the face of societal pressures or expectations. One example could be a Filipino student who chooses to speak up against corruption in their school, despite the risk of backlash from peers or school authorities. Another example could be a Filipino professional who refuses to engage in unethical practices in their workplace, even if it means sacrificing personal gain. According to a survey conducted by the Philippine Statistics Authority, 70% of Filipinos believe that having strong moral values is important in achieving success in life. This statistic highlights the importance of autonomy in moral standards within the Filipino society. An analogy to understand autonomy in moral standards could be likened to a compass that guides a person’s moral decisions. Just as a compass points north regardless of external factors, an autonomous individual stays true to their moral principles regardless of societal influences. In conclusion, being autonomous in moral standards means having the courage and integrity to stand by one’s beliefs, even when faced with challenges. This concept is relatable to Filipino culture, where upholding ethical values is seen as crucial for personal and societal development.