Frequency of distribution


Really Dumb




Frequency of distribution
Frequency of distribution refers to how often something occurs or is found within a certain group or population. For example, let’s say we have a class of 20 students and we are looking at their ages. If there are 4 students who are 10 years old, 6 students who are 11 years old, and 10 students who are 12 years old, we can say that the frequency of distribution of ages in the class is highest for 12-year-olds. A verifiable fact related to frequency of distribution could be that in a survey of 100 people, 60% preferred dogs as pets while 40% preferred cats. This shows the frequency of distribution of pet preferences within the surveyed group. An analogy for frequency of distribution could be thinking of a jar of marbles where some colors are more common than others. The frequency of distribution would be how many marbles of each color are in the jar.