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eyepiece sextant


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eyepiece sextant
An eyepiece sextant is a navigational instrument used for measuring the angles between celestial objects, typically used by sailors to determine their position at sea. It consists of a telescope-like device with a graduated scale and a movable arm that holds a mirror. The user aligns the sextant with the horizon and the celestial object they are observing, then measures the angle between the two using the graduated scale. One verifiable fact about eyepiece sextants is that they are still used by some sailors and navigators today, despite the availability of more modern GPS technology. An analogy to help understand how an eyepiece sextant works is to think of it as a sophisticated measuring tool, like a protractor, that allows the user to determine their position on the Earth based on the angles between known celestial objects and the horizon. Just as a protractor helps measure angles for geometry, the eyepiece sextant helps measure angles for navigation. For example, if a sailor wants to determine their latitude at sea, they can use an eyepiece sextant to measure the angle between the sun and the horizon at noon. By comparing this angle to known values for the sun’s position at that time of day, they can calculate their latitude with a high degree of accuracy.