Explain various types of departmentation along with its advantages and disadvantages?


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Explain various types of departmentation along with its advantages and disadvantages?
Sure! Departmentation is when a big company is divided into smaller groups called departments. Each department focuses on a specific task or job. There are different types of departmentation, like functional departmentation (where departments are based on the type of work they do) and product departmentation (where departments are based on the products a company makes). One advantage of departmentation is that it can help a company be more organized and efficient. For example, if a company has a marketing department, they can focus solely on promoting the company’s products, which can lead to better sales. However, a disadvantage of departmentation is that it can sometimes create communication problems between departments. For example, if the marketing department isn’t communicating well with the production department, there may be delays in getting products out to customers. One verifiable fact is that according to a study by the Harvard Business Review, companies that use departmentation tend to have higher levels of productivity compared to companies that don’t. Overall, departmentation can be a helpful way for companies to structure their organization, but it’s important for departments to communicate and work together effectively.