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dynamic programming





dynamic programming
Dynamic programming is a fancy way of saying, “problem solving with a twist.” Essentially, it’s a way of tackling complicated problems by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable pieces. Think of it like cutting a big steak into bite-size chunks. It’s all the same steak, just easier to chew. Examples of dynamic programming include the knapsack problem, the longest increasing subsequence problem, and the traveling salesman problem. All of these problems involve finding the best solution from a set of possible solutions, which is exactly what dynamic programming does. A fun fact about dynamic programming is that it was invented by Richard Bellman, who is said to have called it the “curse of dimensionality.” He believed that any problem of more than two dimensions was too difficult to solve, and thus created dynamic programming to help solve these hard problems. So, if you’ve got a problem that seems too complicated to tackle, why not give dynamic programming a try? It just might be the bite-size solution you’re looking for!