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domain driven design


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domain driven design
Domain driven design (DDD) is a way of designing software that focuses on the relationships between different parts of the software. Its goal is to make software that is clear, easy to use and understand, and is organized in a way that makes sense. Think of it like a city. A city is made up of lots of buildings and streets, but these buildings and streets don’t just exist randomly. The buildings are organized into neighborhoods, and the streets are laid out in a way that makes sense and makes it easy to get from one place to another. DDD is like this – it’s the map of the software that makes it easy to get from one part of the software to another. An example of DDD is a website. The website has different parts like the homepage, the login page, and the contact page. When you’re designing the website, you’re thinking about how these different parts should interact with each other and how they should be organized in a way that makes it easy for people to use. DDD can help increase the efficiency of a software system. By making sure the code is organized in a logical way, it can help you find and fix bugs faster, and it can also save time when it comes to making changes to the software. Fun fact: DDD was first developed in 2003 by Eric Evans, and since then it has been used in many software projects.