Differents of coordinate, compound and subordinate types of bilinguals regarding mental representati


Really Dumb




Differents of coordinate, compound and subordinate types of bilinguals regarding mental representati
Sure! Let’s break it down into simpler terms: 1. Coordinate bilinguals: These are people who are fluent in two languages, but keep them separate in their minds. They switch between languages depending on the situation. For example, someone who speaks English at home and Spanish at school would be a coordinate bilingual. 2. Compound bilinguals: These are people who have a deep understanding and connection between both languages. They are able to mix and blend the two languages seamlessly. For example, someone who grew up speaking both English and French at the same time would be a compound bilingual. 3. Subordinate bilinguals: These are people who have one dominant language and use another language less frequently or with less proficiency. For example, someone who speaks primarily English but can also understand and speak Spanish at a basic level would be a subordinate bilingual. A verifiable fact about bilingualism is that it has been shown to have cognitive benefits, such as improved problem-solving skills and greater mental flexibility. I hope this helps you understand the differences between coordinate, compound, and subordinate types of bilinguals! Let me know if you have any other questions.