Class in rural India


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Class in rural India
In rural India, class refers to the different social or economic groups that people belong to based on their wealth, occupation, and education. For example, in a rural village, there may be a wealthy landowner who owns a lot of land and has many resources, like tractors and tools, to work the land. This person would be considered upper class. On the other hand, there may be a farmer who works on the land but does not own much property or have many resources. This person would be considered lower class. An analogy to understand class in rural India could be like a ladder, with the upper class at the top and the lower class at the bottom. The higher up the ladder you are, the more resources and opportunities you have. According to a report by the World Bank, around 22% of India’s population lives below the poverty line, mostly in rural areas. This means that a large number of people in rural India are struggling to make ends meet and may be considered lower class. Overall, understanding class in rural India means recognizing the different social and economic statuses that people have based on their wealth, occupation, and access to resources.