Artificial Intelligence


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Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a type of computer technology that makes it possible for machines to think and learn like humans. Machines with AI can take in information, think about it, and then make decisions or take action. AI is used in many different types of technology, like smartphones and voice assistants. For example, AI can help a smartphone learn what kind of apps you like and suggest new ones for you. AI can also be used to help a voice assistant understand your voice commands. AI can also be used to help self-driving cars navigate safely. AI is becoming more popular and useful every day. According to a study by Forbes, AI is expected to create a global economic impact of $15.7 trillion by 2030. Here’s an analogy to help you understand AI better: AI is like a student in school. Just like a human student learns new things, AI machines can also learn new things. AI can take in information, process it, and then make decisions or take action. Fun Fact: AI is used to help scientists study and track endangered animals!