4. What are the challenges faced by fact-checkers when dealing with rapidly spreading rumors or vira


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4. What are the challenges faced by fact-checkers when dealing with rapidly spreading rumors or vira
Sure! Fact-checkers are people who check to see if something is true or not. When rumors or false information spread quickly, it can be hard for fact-checkers to keep up and make sure people know the truth. It’s like trying to catch a bunch of fast-moving bugs before they fly away! For example, let’s say a rumor starts spreading that eating a certain fruit will make you super strong. Fact-checkers would need to quickly check if this is true or not before a lot of people start believing it and eating that fruit. One challenge faced by fact-checkers is that rumors can spread really quickly on social media. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, false information spreads six times faster on social media than accurate information. One verifiable fact is that the World Health Organization has warned that false information about COVID-19 has been spreading rapidly on social media, causing confusion and putting people’s health at risk. This shows how important it is for fact-checkers to work quickly and effectively to stop false information from spreading.